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Chat Messaging

Angular Chat SDK for In-App Messaging

The Angular Chat SDK is your shortcut to add complete messaging experiences to any app written in Angular. Skip low-level development headaches and harness the rich feature set and reliable performance of Stream’s Chat API, with components tailored to match your existing tech stack.

example of angular chat sdk
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Getting Started

This guide quickly brings you up to speed on Stream’s Chat API. The API is flexible and allows you to build any type of chat or messaging. 


For a detailed look at the integration process with step-by-step instructions to set up and customize the SDK, check out the official Angular In-App Chat Tutorial.

Sample Apps

Full functional sample apps built on top of our UI Components. Great for previewing features and testing our SDK.

Key Angular Chat SDK Benefits

The Angular SDK provides straightforward frontend access to all the capabilities of our Chat API infrastructure.

Message Composer UI

  • Default message style
  • Attachment support
  • Reaction selector
  • Slash commands and mentions
  • Message CRUD actions

Message List UI

  • Message item template
  • Avatar template
  • Attachment badges
  • Message grouping by user
  • Reactions & flags
  • Read events / read state

Channel List UI

  • Custom templates
  • Item content template
  • Pagination

Supported Angular Chat SDK Features

  • Angular services for chat & channel
  • Easy client-side implementation
  • Familiar development workflow
  • Error handling and error notifications
  • Message list view components
  • Message composer components
  • Channel list components
  • Support for URL, file, & photo attachments
  • Support for attachments
  • Message reactions

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